Let the games begin

I just read an article on how the Olympics brings together people from across the world, throws differences aside and provides them with an inimitable link to join together for the purpose of sport. People can connect and learn from each other, and win or lose, leave triumphant and changed for the better.

Aside from the win or lose part (I don’t think anyone here will accept the latter), it’s a similar atmosphere here in Denver. People from all states are here and everybody is excited to get to know other participants.

For example, participant A. Met on the shuttle from Denver International (which took an excruciatingly long time — apparently it’s an $80 cab ride). Mr. A is a 21-year-old student from Central Valley, Calif., and has the hat of the convention, which reads “Obamagasm.”

I’m sure we’ll all be having multiple Obamagasms throughout the week, and one hell of a climax on Thursday night. In the spirit of the Olympics, I think we’re all ready, so let the games begin.

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